Let's discover together what is possible.
This website is designed for clinicians interested in individual and group training opportunities, and as a resource for the general public to learn more about my approach to treatment.
Looking for a ‘psychologist near me’ or ‘psychologist Philadelphia’? Interested in working with me for therapy? You may wish to consider visiting the website for my group practice, Attune Philadelphia Therapy Group. Read about the process of therapy, as well as some of the ways that my associates and I might work with you.
Let’s learn together,
Dr. Eric Spiegel, Ph.D.

‘Psychology and Clinical Hypnosis’
An 18 minute interview of Eric Spiegel, Ph.D. from 2013, produced by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
‘Hypnosis and the Psychotherapy Relationship’
60 minute video of a panel discussion moderated by ASCH President Eric Spiegel, Ph.D. at the 2018 Annual Meeting. Panelists discussed the relational factors of hypnosis, the relational process of psychotherapy, and the application of hypnosis in a relationally-focused psychotherapy.